
Directorate of QEC

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The Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water and Marine Sciences (LUAWMS) was chartered on March 07, 2005, through an ordinance by the Government of Balochistan. This Ordinance was converted into LUAWMS Act 2010 in June 2010. To bring the quality of education at par with international standards, the setup of Quality Enhancement Cells (QECs) was initiated in all universities with support from the Quality Assurance Agency, Higher Education Commission, Pakistan. In this context, QEC in LUAWMS was established on 28th June 2011 by the approval of the Syndicate (No. 0312/13th Syn/2011/LUAWMS). The assessment and evaluation of all the degree programs offered by LUAWMS are carried out periodically, and the process of quality improvement is undertaken in accordance with the HEC requirements, direction, and guidelines.

Director Balach Rasheed's Picture

Director QEC


Enhancing quality of academic programs through various assessment procedures and adopting recent trends in teaching and research to the satisfaction level of all stakeholders.


Provision of quality education at LUAWMS to make it at par with the international academic universities/organizations.


Dr. Balach Rasheed

Mr. Arslan Naeem
Mr. Mukhtar Ahmed
Mr. Mairaj
Mr. Muhammad Shoaib
Mr. Aamir


The objective of QEC is to enhance the quality of education imparted, knowledge & skills transferred to the graduating and post-graduating students from the institution. The QEC is to develop capacity building of the faculty and staff members, and to improve the progress for enhancement of the quality of education.

  • To improve the quality of education imparted, knowledge & skills transferred to the passing out students
  • To produce all the reports required to Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) of HEC time to time
  • To develop the database of students, Faculty Members, facilities, and services available in the institution
  • To play a proactive role in organizing workshops, seminars, and training events designed for capacity building and skill development of teachers and students
  • To learn from others’ experiences and adapt best practices
  • To present the real picture of the institution before the rector and management instead of presenting a rosy picture
  • To conduct the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis periodically to monitor changes and outputs of decisions made
  • To search for learning opportunities for Faculty members and display them on all notice boards of the institution
  • To form an Alumni of the Graduates of the institution to provide a joint forum of communication among themselves and inter-university
  • To develop liaison with print media personnel for proper dissemination of information
  • To build close communication & linkage with other universities for sharing good practices and learning from each other’s experiences
  • In simple words, “To Enhance the honor & value of the Degree awarded by the institution” at the national and international market


The major responsibilities of this directorate are:

  • QEC is responsible for promoting public confidence that the quality and standards of the award of degrees are enhanced and safeguarded.
  • QEC is responsible for the review of quality standards by auditing academic standards and the quality of teaching and learning in each subject area.
  • QEC is responsible for the review of academic affiliation with other institutions in terms of effective management of standards and quality of programs.
  • QEC is responsible for defining clear and explicit standards as points of reference for the reviews to be carried out.
  • QEC is responsible for developing a qualifications framework by setting out the attributes and abilities expected from the holder of a qualification.
  • QEC is responsible for developing program specifications, clarifying what knowledge, understanding, skills, and other attributes a student will have developed upon completing a specific program.
  • QEC is responsible for developing quality assurance processes and methods of evaluation to affirm that the quality of provision and the standard of awards are maintained.
  • QEC is responsible for ensuring that the university’s quality assurance procedures fit in with national arrangements for maintaining and improving the quality of Higher Education.
  • Initiation of measures for giving suitable publicity to the Development Plan and educating the public on the results achieved from time to time.

QEC is responsible for developing procedures for the following:

  • Approval of new programs.
  • Annual monitoring and evaluation including program monitoring, faculty monitoring, and student feedback.
  • Departmental review.
  • Student feedback.
  • Employer feedback.
  • Quality assurance of Master’s, M.Phil., and Ph.D. degree programs.
  • Subject review.
  • Institutional audit.
  • Qualification framework.
  • Anti-Plagiarism.


IQC notification of Institutional Quality Circle (IQC) LUAWMS

1st Meeting of Institutional Quality Circle (IQC) LUAWMS
The 1st meeting of the Institutional Quality Circle (IQC) Committee of LUAWMS was held on 4th February, 2025 at 10:30 hours in LUAWMS Senate Hall under the Chairmanship of Worthy Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Abdul Malik Tareen. All the respected members attended the meeting.


Activity Calendar of QEC, LUAWMS 2024-25


Orientation on University Functioning (Effective, Efficient & Time Bounding) for Higher Quality Education and Research

Awareness Workshop to Students and Faculty Members for Online Scoring / Marking and Submission of Proformas

QEC, LUAWMS Conduct an Awareness Session on New QA Framework
Pakistan Precepts, Standards, and Guidelines (PSG-2023)
Dr. Balach Rasheed, Director QEC LUAWMS has presented the New QA Framework & the Role of University Management to the respected members of the Institutional Quality Circle on 4th February, 2025 at 10:00 hours in LUAWMS Senate Hall.

One-Day Training for Newly Appointed Faculty Staff at LUAWMS

Feedback Surveys

📢 Quality Assurance Surveys - Your Feedback Matters!

We value your input in continuously enhancing the quality of our academic programs. Please take a moment to complete the relevant survey forms below and help us improve your educational experience.

📋 Faculty Feedback

1. Faculty Survey Form
Complete the Faculty Survey
2. Faculty Course Review Report Form
Complete the Faculty Course Review

🎓 To be Filled by 8th Semester Students

1. Student Course Evaluation Questionnaire
Complete the Student Course Evaluation
2. Survey of Graduating Students
Complete the Survey of Graduating Students
3. Teacher Evaluation Form
Complete the Teacher Evaluation

👩‍🎓 To be Filled by All Students (Other than 8th Semester)

1. Student Course Evaluation Questionnaire
Complete the Student Course Evaluation
2. Teacher Evaluation Form
Complete the Teacher Evaluation


Dr. Balach Rasheed

Director, QEC, LUAWMS

Phone: 085-3610910

Mobile: 0321-8003161

Mr. Arsalan Naeem

Deputy Director, QEC, LUAWMS

Mobile: 0334-4502927

Mr. Mukhtar Ahmed

Data Analyst, QEC, LUAWMS

Mobile: 0333-7937940

Mr. Mair aj

Focal Person, QEC LUAWMS (Campuses & Affiliated Colleges)

Mobile: 0333-2020414

Mr. Muhammad Shoaib

Key Punch Operator, QEC LUAWMS

Mobile: 0331-2892996